Monday, October 25, 2010

Fiji: Paul's Happy Place

Sorry it has been so long since any of us posted.  We were far away, on a beautiful little island called Ono, and it was tough to hook up to the internet.  We are back in Australia, now, so things are moving at light speed once again.
On the trip, we have all done a lot of talking about our "Happy Place," querying one another as to whether this place or that constitutes just the sort of spot one is always searching for.  Well, my happy place looks like this from the air.

It's airport is this big.

Sunrises there can look like this.

And sunsets a bit like this.

Sure it rains in my happy place.

But that helps bring out colors like this.

What do I like to do in my happy place?  Well, here are some clues:

My favorite thing to eat there?

What are the kids up to in this happy place?

Naturally, we make friends in my happy place.

So, where was this happy place of mine?  It's Ono Island, Fiji.  We just left there a few days ago, after 20 days in heaven at Mai Dive Astrolabe Reef Resort.  Otis became a certified open water diver, Lilah finally found a friend who would teacher her to knit a basket, Erin took hundreds of photos (and lost a pint of blood to the world's most wicked mosquitoes), and I was in my place.  The water was blue like sapphires, the coral was vibrant, the fish were abundant, the beaches full of shells.  We saw sharks, turtles, and manta rays, ate coconuts off the trees and mustard greens from Joe's garden.  When I look like this, you can bet I am in my happy place.

1 comment:

  1. Paul, it looks like a happy place for all of you. Cold & rainy already here in Oakland. Henry is missing Otis and we came online to get an update, happy to find one!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Ben, Andy, Isaak & Henry
